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In addition to producing late night tv, sometimes I like to make other projects!  Below are some samples of pieces I shot, designed, and edited. 

TV Production

As a Footage Producer my job has been to help illustrate a story through examples.  Clips can be used to share a testimony, point out an insane hypocrisy, or highlight a cultural behavior that is repetitive and ridiculous.  The opening video to the website is a more outlandish example of what I have done as a Footage Producer! 

Johnny Harris

I was thrilled to get the chance to work with Johnny Harris and his team as a story producer, pitching, researching, developing and writing stories!  Johnny is a fantastic journalist and creative storyteller.  Below are three stories we produced together.  Take a look!

Hiro Stories

In the creation of "Hiro Stories", an immersive iOS reading and movie making software application, I wrote, storyboarded, directed, and edited the final films that would later be converted into the full experience.  The below video is a product demonstration video I wrote and edited.  

Marga Marx

My Grandmother, Marga Marx (Lowenstein), was born in a small town in Germany during the rise of Nazism.  While she was fortunate to emigrate to the United States, she lived in Germany long enough to experience discrimination by the Nazi regime.  Before her passing, I had the chance to interview her and document some of her stories. 

Poultry Plucker

Look, sometimes you make things that are objectively stupid but incredibly fun.  In the vein of the "Will it Blend" internet sensation, friends and I bought our own "plucker" to ask a very simple question - "Will it pluck?".  Peabody award winning? I think not... fun as heck?  You bet. 

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